A Little Bit About Me…

Hello all! Merry meet! My name is Hazel, and welcome to my blog. I figured I would take this time to tell you a little about myself.

I’m a Celtic Pagan Witch, and still pretty new to this. Although, I believe you can practice for twenty years and still be new. Witchcraft is all about learning, exploring, discovering new things…It never stops. As long as you are listening to the world around you, you will learn, and that is the beauty of Paganism and Witchcraft.

Ever since I can remember, I have felt different. I was in tune with nature from a very  young age. I’d have what some would call “supernatural experiences.” I always believed there was more out there that we couldn’t see with our eyes, and I learned to see with my heart. I have always had a connection to Celtic music and culture, specifically Irish. I now know that there is Irish in bloodline, so now that makes a little more sense!

I was raised in a strict Christian home. And I mean strict. I felt trapped from the time I was old enough to understand the world around me (somewhat) until I began refusing to go to church at sixteen years old. It was a rough, sheltered childhood, and I won’t go into all of it tonight. I was raised to believe that I was better than others because I believed in God, and that anyone who didn’t believe in God did not deserve my time and attention. Call me crazy, but I never could get behind that crap. I began branching out and trying to find myself, but because I still lived in my parents’ home, there was only so much “branching” I could do.

Fast forward. Now I am 22, married with two children, and out on my own. I started feeling that pull again, that indescribable notion that something about me is meant for more than just the mundane. I began researching witchcraft and Paganism. I began doing energy feeling exercises, visiting metaphysical shops,  and realized that I had a passion for this. My husband noticed it, too. Witchcraft makes me a happier person. It is the reason I am here, to heal and to help, to protect and to teach. That is all I know. There is still so much I don’t know about this path, so much I have yet to learn, and that’s why I made this blog. One thing I can’t find much of on the Internet are stories of other witches, from scratch. I can read articles and books all day long, but I want first hand, in the moment teachings, and that’s what I hope to give to you.

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2 thoughts on “A Little Bit About Me…

  1. Hello Hazel! I haven’t read stories from other pagans from scratch either. So I clicked on yours because I am curious about how people find their path. I’m just starting out myself. I am giving myself a year and a day to see what I can learn and if I truly want to stick to it, and if so, what it is that I like. Am keeping my pagan blog private for now and I’m curious about how it develops and about this journey in itself. Take care 🙂


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